

Thanks for stopping by! I’m Kristen Macleod Smith. Ever since I began piano lessons at age 9, my life has always been music and I love it! I have been a Music Therapist now for nearly 12 years and currently own a private practice within the beautiful Scottish Highlands. I have taught instrumental lessons and music for additional needs in many different forms and countries for over 15 years. I have an honours degree in Music with Piano Performance and a double masters degree in Music Therapy and counselling. I am a UK HCPC registered music therapist and also an American Board certified Music Therapist MT-BC.  The instruments i focus on in my work are piano, woodwind, drumming, violin, guitar and world percussion. 

Sharing music and connecting with others through music is my passion. I work with children and adults of all ages, stages and abilities, in educational, medical and community settings. I am lucky enough to live in a beautiful part of the world that inspires so much music creativity.  When I’m not providing music therapy sessions through my private practice- Harmony Music Therapy Scotland, you can find me and my family out exploring the beautiful scenery of my cultural roots.  I usually have my 2 year old daughter Sophia leading the way. Outdoors seems to be her middle name, although she does LOVE to sing and make her own music. Her dad likes to think hes musical too…..lets leave that there!! 

I often get asked if I have books of my music activities and ideas or if my original  songs are available to buy or download to use in groups etc. So … here is my musical storage cabinet (that’s usually kept in my head) all laid out. Just for you! I hope you will find something useful or be inspired. I hope I can give you a bit more ‘you’ time and less planning time. Music is all about sharing so here’s a bit of me to you. If you sign up to the newsletter and become a KMS Life in Music insider (totally free!) I’ll also send out some more gorgeous Scottish scenery photos just to brighten up your day! 

I’d love to hear more about your musical journey- lets connect on Instagram or Facebook

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From the Blog...



Ukulele Christmas Songs Its that time of year when music teachers and music therapists are dusting off the Christmas sheet music to get ready for

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October Music Time

Three October Music Resources  So I’m sitting curled up warm with a blanket and thinking of my favourite October music resources . The fire is

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