music therapy planning

Music Therapy Planning 2021

After the year we’ve all had I almost feel a little hesitant to begin my usual music therapy planning for the next quarter. It’s coming to the end of a very hard year for most people, myself included. I needed something to motivate me and for me to get all my thoughts and plans down in one place. My technology skills have increased massively this year. Although I’m generally a pen to paper sort of girl when I’m brainstorming,  I have found myself taking out my phone or ipad to jot down a music therapy idea or song or use an app to write a chord progression this holiday season.
This got me looking for resources where I could have all my plans and ideas and calendar all in one ready to go place that didn’t look too boring either.
Then I stumbled on digital planners. I have not been interested in these before- like I said, I’m a pen to paper sort of girl. But I thought I would try it out. I realised that I needed more than just a general date, week to view model and looked to see if I could get one specifically for my needs. There were LOADS of speech therapy ones that I could make work but they weren’t quite fitting to my needs.
SO in one mad moment while home, possibly after a couple of festive glasses of wines I created a music therapy digital planner for myself.
It had all the things I personally needed.I was getting organised! It had:
  • A place to keep track of my CMTE’s ,
  • somewhere I could theme plan for the year for certain groups and then extend this theme plan to brainstorm interventions, goal areas they would address, related transition activities etc,
  • a place to note what instruments and resources I would need
  • meeting note templates,
  • contact logs,
  • progress note checklists,
  • mileage and expenses forms.
  • I wanted to set myself goals and challenges to develop my skills this year so I am now accountable with my own professional goal sheet!
  • Weekly to do lists,
  • week to view calendars
  • schedule chart,
  • ample places to take notes,
  • places to write music on manuscript and write down chords i may need to illustrate to clients.
This planner needed to work for in-person and virtual sessions this year and I think its going to help me so much.  All I need is a note writing app like Goodnotes and I’m “good to go”.
I love it so I thought that I would share it with my community in case its helpful for any other music therapists.
Click here to purchase my planner and in my store its up to 40% off this week! There is also a youtube video preview so you can get a feel for how it works!
I’d love to know how you are music therapy planning for 2021? maybe its safer not to plan too much and take it day by day, but one thing I know is I’m so ready to say goodbye to 2020. Here’s to more music in 2021.

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Hi, I'm Kristen

I help music therapists and teacher like you to transform their practice and delivery of music sessions with inspiring activities and ready to go resources. I live in Inverness, Scotland with my husband Alex and my 2 year old daughter Sophia. I want to help you feel less stress, have more music you love to share which give you and your music delivery  more life.  

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